aya kurata

In 2016, months my encounter with macrame plant hangers sparked my transformation from a manicurist to a fiber artist, fully immersing myself in the captivating world of knots.
I acquired skills through self-study and now serve as a modern macrame instructor, offering publications, workshops, and focusing on art creation, such as exhibitions as a fiber artist.

Since 2023, I have been creating artworks that embrace the traditional Japanese culture of “MUSUBI,” incorporating a free and innovative expression.
My artworks combine inspiration from the beauty of plants and the patterns of architecture, incorporating leftover scraps.
Additionally, I am a creator with over 550,000 followers on social media.



SNS総フォロワー60万人。TikTok公式厳選クリエイター・TikTok Creator Academy 0期生。

暮らしを彩るモダンマクラメ はじめてでも楽しく作れるアクセサリー、小物とバッグ』KADOKAWA
『1DAYマクラメ ひもを結んで作る簡単小もの』主婦の友社
『3つの結び方で写真を見ながら作る 1/2DAY簡単マクラメ』主婦の友社

【TV出演】NHK Eテレ『すてきにハンドメイド』

【過去展示】伊勢丹新宿店、松屋銀座、大阪高島屋、MARUZEN&ジュンク堂書店、東京旭屋書店(船橋店)、丸善、こどもとかめら、アルモニーソルーナ表参道、アーセンティア迎賓館大阪、ガーデンヒルズ迎賓館大宮、日本ホビーショー、ユザワヤ横浜店 他

【その他】Tastemade Japan presents Pinterest Creator Summit(インタビュー出演)、TikTok(サイネージ/作品動画提供)、Pinterest Creator Award 2022受賞、ピンタレスト投稿コンテスト2023(審査員)、PinCon2023(クリエイターとしての登壇)、YouTube公式チャンネル(動画クリエイターとしてタイアップ出演)

What is Modern Macrame?

Macramé is a technique of creating patterns by tying cords together using only hands.
Modern macramé refers to the method of incorporating centuries-old techniques from various parts of the world into contemporary interior decor and other items. It is not only considered as a form of handicraft and art but also recognized for its therapeutic benefits when used as occupational therapy.

